And it’s still going.

I’ve been so grateful to have my friends around to start the year. It was too short, and also a lot of things at the same time. I could feel my brain overloading and needing just a sit and a rest for a few hours. I space out — just feeling content sitting in the same room with people I love, on my side of the world for once. I recognize how rare an opportunity this is for us to breathe the same air. To just hear them laughing not from a microphone.
My life is different from what I thought it would be growing up. It’s filled with pockets of sunshine when the dark that I deal with every day threatens to take over. When the voice in my head saying that there is no good to all of this really, I get a random text from someone I love across the world, reminding me how much there is for me to look forward to.
Maybe it’s the lack of sleep that’s talking. -J