The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

October 2008

  • Setrina, JJ, my bestie’s sister turned 18 last Friday, October 24, 2008 in a soiree at Patio Ibarra that was pulled together in 2 weeks. (I know, coz J was in a frantic pace trying to get everything done) And i learned the past few weeks that planning a real debut takes a lot of… Read more

  • Proud.

    One of my bestest friends in the whole wide world Martin Villamor was declared a Certified Public Accountant last October 20, 2008. Congratulations Martin! 🙂 (and i chose the most decent photo of the lot that i have ahihi) Read more

  • So Tony’s been at Mayer’s for a week and i called and asked when I could get him. They told me Monday after lunch, and I thought, perfect. Rest day. No plans. I can drag Mom and Joannaman along. We always like going around Binondo checking out the jewelry and they’ve missed Dong Bei so… Read more

  • In the spirit of going girl

    This may be my favorite picture of my hand. Thanks Paolo! Read more

  • It’s a sale all right

    Trinoma Kashieca store window. LOL. 🙂 Read more

  • Lost in Quiapo and Binondo

    Friday night, while settling down to a night of Heroes, I grabbed Tony (my camera you pervs) as I was planning to delete a few pics so that Joannaman would have primo memory for her trip to Tagaytay. After several frustrating attempts to turn it on, I charged the battery, but found that it wasn’t… Read more

  • In the case of my best friend since I can remember, we’re totally different. Jules is a straight up girly girl with a penchant for dressing up and is actually good at the whole thing. Me I can hardly put an outfit together, I always have something a little wrong, whether it be the wrong… Read more