The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

I think you should listen to Fiona Apple’s Hot Knife today

tumblr_n4g9tvSHRv1qaobbko1_500It’s so simple. Fiona Apple’s Hot Knife is one of the simplest songs but so good. Stay smitten. Hold on to the someone who makes you melt like butter.

If I’m butter, if I’m butter (I’m a hot knife, I’m a hot knife)
If I’m butter, then he’s a hot knife (I’m a hot knife, he’s a pat of butter)
He makes my heart a cinemascope screen (If I get a chance, I’m gonna show him that)
Showing the dancing bird of paradise (He’s never gonna need another, never need another)

I love it. And it’s not extremely cutesy, which I admit I tend to be sometimes.

So thank you Fiona Apple for the song that if you don’t have someone that you immediately think about when you listen to it, then I hope in the future, you do.


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