The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

February 2022

  • Life is short, week 7 of 52

    Status report: 4 out of 7 days of migraines, 3 of 7 in hives. It’s all about balance folks. Things to note: 1. Taking a day off for a rebalancing. Instead of the responsible thing and diving straight into my 2021 tax stuff like I should, I took the day off and did some fun… Read more

  • Life is short, week 6 of 52

    Status report: 6 bad migraine days out of 7, but successfully refilled with – full box of of ibuprofen. If only I was wrecking my liver with more fun things. 1. Dad’s birthday. Excessive amounts of food and snark, even if I had to sleep early for work. I love birthdays and making a big… Read more

  • Life is short, week 5 of 52

    Status report: Advil is my only friend. Life is short so throw yourself into new things and things that make yourself sing. Projects turning out well. This was a week of projects. 1. Using chalk paint (semi successfully) from a local seller. It’s great. I have no artistic skill and even I pulled it off.… Read more