The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

September 2023

  • Status report: MRI day. Trying not to have surgery, but I might need it. What’s made me happy lately: 1. Chester’s 9th year with us. He has saved my life too many times to count. He has also cost me hundreds of thousands of pesos of damage, because he only chews expensive things. At least… Read more

  • Status report: I wish I could go back to sleeping 8 hours straight without sleep ai Read more

  • Status report: Jetlagged and under the weather. Going hack to routine will take a second, but a welcome return. What’s made me happy lately: 1. The opportunity to be away. I have been able to see my favorite cities on the other side of the world, and it was wonderful. A breather from all the… Read more

  • You still have time. Your heart is beating, you’re breathing. Do the thing. Read more