The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

White hat. My kinda hat.

I have a new addiction.

We met at SM North Edsa at the new Annex.

Eric Chao introduced us.

I love it.

Love it love it.

Crave it everyday, and annoying everyone i know by telling them every spare moment to go there.

Coz it’s good.

And good for you.

White hat.

I’ve been there at least once a week for the past four weeks, and once, even twice in a day.

I figure, it’s frozen yogurt, and I get fruit as toppings, so it’s not such a sin.

Please build one near Shang so it’s a jeep ride away.

4 responses to “White hat. My kinda hat.”

  1. hi jody…. thanks for writing about us..:) may i include your blog in our blog page..? best regards

  2. hi eric! you might not remember me, but we met last december at your sm north annex branch, like a couple of days after that branch opened. 🙂

    go right ahead and include this teeny blog.

  3. hi Jody,

    NOW i remember… you were with your mom right? very nice to have met you and many thanks in advance

  4. yup. that was me. 🙂 nice to meet ya too!

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