The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

July 2013

  • And all the men and women merely players. Chances are you’ve heard these lines before, from William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, but also, it’s the fundamental idea between one of my favorite theories in Sociology called Dramaturgy, a theory that suggests that a person’s identity is constantly remade as they interact with others, that… Read more

  • Say it.

    I’ve always been a fan of Grey’s Anatomy. One episode in particular spoke to me, because one of my favorite characters said his goodbye in it. One quote from that episode still resonates with me until now: Did you say it? ‘I love you. I don’t ever want to live without you. You changed my… Read more

  • Rainy days and Mondays don’t necessarily bring me down, but this Monday, I feel more like sitting under the sun, sand between my toes, sipping a cold drink before running and diving into the salty foam. Franco’s Better Days feels like summer, and the video ain’t bad too. How do you keep the long face… Read more

  • It may be one of the most cliche things ever, but from recent events, I really do believe that when God closes a door, he opens a window. In my life, he blew the whole thing open. If you know me personally and you’ve seen/talked to me in the past two months, you probably are… Read more

  • Also known as another: I think you should listen to The String Quartet’s Dare You to Move cover today post. If  you’re a sap like me and you’ve watched “The Mirror has Two Faces”, you’ve probably heard the line “When we fall in love, we hear Puccini in our heads”. I think Puccini is still… Read more

  • Have you ever had friends that will literally pick you up when you fall? I do. The people in this photo are four of the most amazing people in my life. I know I’ve never been much for the public displays of affection, and I don’t really show too much details of my actual life,… Read more

  • Today I believe in:

    1. The power that scent has on memory. You only need a whiff to bring you back to the same exact moment weeks, months, years ago. It can take you back to the person you were in that memory, and give you the giddy/melancholic feeling back in a snap. 2. A perfectly timed random text.… Read more