Jodythinks · Thanks

I felt the magic

I felt the magic


It is no secret that I had a Disney childhood, most people my age did. When you don’t have the internet and a ton of choices in television and movies, people end up with shared experiences, and the same memories of culture references and ideas growing up.

Disney was a major part of my life, and mostly the reason I love colors. I remember preferring Minnie Mouse coloring books growing up, and thinking of color combinations to her outfits in reds, pinks, and purples. I wanted the ears that I saw in movies and television shows, the fireworks, the mascots.

Last week, I was fortunate enough to be able to experience it for myself, that even the pain of my recent physical shortcomings, I forgot. When the light and fireworks show came on, I felt like the 8 year old watching Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast over and over again, mouthing the words without fail.

Thank you, Walt Disney, for making children all over the world part of something that is magical and unlike any other.

Are you a Disney child too? What was your favorite Disney movie growing up?

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