The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

March 2019

  • To Life Lessons

    I had a friend once that always said, “Either you win or you learn” and it always irked me because I thought it was such a naive way of looking at things. Some lessons I thought, hurt too much and dig too deep to recover from. There are some that change you for good, and… Read more

  • These faces make me happy everyday. They are not the easiest. As of today they have bitten holes in every single pillowcase and sheet I have at home, but I wouldn’t trade them for anyone else in the world. They are loves of my life and I am very fortunate to have them with me.… Read more

  • Hello, summer

    It’s been a rocky few days for Metro Manila. A water shortage has crippled thousands and has made the heat that has come in even more difficult. It’s hard to be thankful for beautiful things when you feel grimy and thirsty and don’t know when your next bath is. So far my solutions are cold… Read more

  • To a daily happy

    Yesterday, I found a book by one of my favorite authors, Michael Pollan on 75% off. It was originally priced at ₱875 but it was on the sale pile at National Bookstore and was priced at P218. I gladly handed over my P500 i was saving for other things for it. It really made my… Read more

  • To a daily happy

    When we were in Osaka, I ate one of these most everyday because it was so creamy and not overly sweet. I was safely ensconced in my winter coat and could fully enjoy these without vibrating from the cold. If I was to ask for stuff to import from Japan, I am hoping these cremia… Read more