food · Jodythinks

Has anyone been to the Chocolate Kiss lately?

chockissThe Chocolate Kiss Cafe in UP Diliman is one of my favorite haunts. This is clearly evidenced by my former blogposts here and here. It’s quiet. It’s like a hop skip and a jump away from our house. It has simple, unassuming food that’s not too expensive. It has my favorite blueberry cheesecake.

But my last visit two Sundays ago with the family had me sorely disappointed at the quality of the food there now. I haven’t gone in a while (like a couple months) and the triumphant return I envisioned was a bitter defeat. I don’t know if they changed the chef, or they’re just using lesser quality ingredients, but gawd. Everything was different from what we knew. Ordered the usual Hungarian sausage and penne pasta, baby back ribs, and chix in a basket. All our usual favorite orders. The sausage in the pasta was different, the ribs were lesser quality and smaller, only the chix in a basket was almost the same quality. And that’s only coz we almost never order it.

Thank God the cake was the same. But we left feeling gypped. What happened to Chockiss?

9 thoughts on “Has anyone been to the Chocolate Kiss lately?

  1. Really?! Can you ask him/her what happened? Super nadisappoint kami nun. Super recommend pa naman namin un to everyone.

  2. Hi, Jody. I’m Liza of Chocolate Kiss. I stumbled upon your blog.

    We’re really, really sorry you were disappointed with the dishes you ordered. If I may explain briefly: (1) The spareribs – Our supplier stopped selling the ribs we have been using so we have a temporary source. We definitely did not change the ribs recipe as it is a very popular item. But we have yet to find a supplier who can match our original ribs. (2) The Hungarian sausage – You’re correct, we changed it, but with the intention of switching to a ‘better’ (even more expensive) brand. So I guess it’s a matter of taste.

    We really appreciate your feedback. We are actually in the process of improving our dishes (among other things), and just launched our new menu last Sunday. We hope you’ll give us another try, and that you’re dining experience will be be better.

    Thank you again.

  3. Thanks Liza for the explanation! You can be sure we’ll be back. We were just disappointed that time. I’ve seen the new menu and there are a bunch of new things I really wanna try on there.

    Good luck on the menu change!

  4. Omg haha nag comment ang chockiss! 🙂 Yay Online Reputation Management! 🙂

    Also, I’m craving for Chockiss. I haven’t been there for months. 🙁

  5. Haha! I know! Me too, craving blueberry cheesecake. Gotta get back there and prove myself wrong (coz I don’t wanna be right about this one).

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