The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

November 2008

  • Hope

    Snapped this with my phone last wednesday on the way to work. I don’t know, when i saw it, the word “HOPE” just popped into my head. Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    When it rains, it pours. Read more

  • So we watched Twilight last night. Me, Bripman, Vins, and Paolo trooped to Gateway to watch the much hyped ubertalked about movie that we’ve been seeing everywhere the past couple of months. I have to say it was a bit funny to think i was watching this movie with three guys when its main selling… Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    If someone wants to be a part of your life, they’ll make a way to be in it. Read more

  • Temper temper

    I’ll be the first to admit it. When I’m in a bad mood, there’s no saying what’s gonna come out of my mouth. I tend to NOT have a censor when I’m angry. So I make time to stay away from the people I’m pissed off at, just so I won’t say something i’ll regret… Read more

  • City Lights

    Well not exactly. Love this. Read more

  • It’s K’s birthday today!

    To the future Atenean lawyer who’s gonna let me get away with murder (and other crimes) and one of my best friends: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (k, yer old. but that’s ok, we still love you. :P) Read more

  • Happy Birthday Rhea! 🙂

    To the girl who cannot take a bad photo (yes she is that gorgeous), even if she tried, HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY! Read more

  • How was your Halloween?

    Mine was tiring but especially fun. You see this year, the IMS costume contest ballooned into a company wide (well at least this branch of the company) competition, with different departments all participating. I was part of the organizing committee and may I say, that is a fun group of people to work with. And… Read more