The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

Sunday Magic

the wheel

Spent Sunday indulging my inner kid while trying to keep cool with 2 serial killers, a mad drifter, a mini basketball catcher licker, and a paintball to the crotch victim, and we had a blast.

It was dehydrating, sweltering hot, incredibly wet, exceedingly dusty, but we felt like kids just going around the park looking for the next thrill ride.

Tried Zorbs and felt like hamsters.



Drank half the park’s gatorade.

Learned magic.

Won a mini basketball toy and conceived a drinking game.

Went home after the fireworks (Damn those were nice) and laughed at episodes of Friends.

What a weekend. 😀

3 responses to “Sunday Magic”

  1. I wanna go! It’s been way too long since K and I last went there.

  2. i dont even want to know what a mini basketball catcher licker is.

  3. @Camz: Go go! it’s fun, especially i think if it’s deserted. no lines!

    @pao: we had a little ice monster spoon we used as a catcher, that andreina was licking before we used it pala. haha!

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