The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

September 2022

  • Life is short, week 38 of 52

    Status update: Recent developments are only being able to sleep in alternate “evenings” so my zombie days are more frequent. Antihistamine 3x last week for bad hives, but still kicking. Moments of the week: 1. Not getting the brunt of a category 5 typhoon. A lot of my countrymen suffered a lot, and actual heroes… Read more

  • Life is short, week 37 of 52

    Status update: Hives but no asthma. So better? Fatigued as heck all the time, and need to carve time out to row. I know I’m missing weeks and should clean up but I have zero desire to do that right now. Short moments of the week: 1. Overspending at the grocery store. So I may… Read more

  • Life is short, week 34 of 52

    Status update: Two days of incredibly uncomfortable hearburn had me on my knees. Had me trying to figure out if giving up my start of work coffee and eventual caffeine withdrawal migraines is a bigger pain in the butt. Isn’t growing up awful? Moments of the week: 1. Spontaneous outings that actually happen. Sunday Korean… Read more

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  • Life is short, week 34 of 52

    Status report: Phantom cigarette smoke triggering so much of my adult asthma, but hey, I can still breathe at the end of the day. Also losing sleep because Chester has been extra clingy lately and wanting his head rubs WHEN HE WANTS THEM, which is usually when it’s 2 am in the timezone I work.… Read more