Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

What I’m grateful for, week 47 of 52

1. Belly laughs with friends after two years. This pandemic sucks and it has permanently fucked us up, but when it comes to the real stuff, I’m glad to know I have them. And they know they have me.

2. Holiday time off. Night shift is rough, and I won’t be able to keep this up for too long, so time off is a blessing. No alarms. Being able to do things in the day without being utterly exhausted, almost incoherent. Sleeping. It’s a lot.

3. Love. And I don’t mean the romantic stuff, but the other forms of it. Love for friends. For amazing people. For emotional support animals. For people that are in the background. Love is a difficult, complicated, heartbreaking thing, but I’m thankful I get to experience it.

Song of the week: Budapest by George Ezra

What are you grateful for?


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