The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain


  • Status report: MRI day. Trying not to have surgery, but I might need it. What’s made me happy lately: 1. Chester’s 9th year with us. He has saved my life too many times to count. He has also cost me hundreds of thousands of pesos of damage, because he only chews expensive things. At least… Read more

  • This old bun

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  • Status report: Hives and insomnia have been kicking my ass. Breathing deep, calming down are important especially since I don’t want to wreck my liver with all the meds. Also saw my ortho because my knee has been making me wince with every bend. It’s a process. 1. Being part of a Say Yes to… Read more

  • Status report: After being given a glowing once over on my 3 month checkup, a couple things have come up. One, that I had terrible acidity this week, extra keep me up at night episodes, and the other, I fear my knee has ripped fully. Tbd, but need to get answers because I can’t bend… Read more

  • Happy Bourdain Day

    Anthony Bourdain would have been 67, June 26th of 2023. The demons won and we lost him to them in 2018. Truly befitting that going in that day, I made one of his favorite things: roasted bone marrow. To continue the truly hedonistic celebration, spent a day with friends eating our way through Thai, Vietnamese,… Read more

  • Status report: Sugar is all out of whack, and is affecting so many different things. Losing sleep, breaking out in hives. It’s going to get better it’s just me. My bright spots from the last week: 1. Acceptance. Late last week, I let go of clothes I had been holding on to for decades. I… Read more

  • Status report: Hives are hivey and insomnia is bad. I had a few highlights this past week. 1. Having time with friends I’ve had since kindergarten. Decades of friendship and every time we see each other I feel like I’m 12 again, listening to the Spice Girls. We don’t see each other a lot. They… Read more

  • Status report: Hives more than usual, but sleeping a bit better. Zero work on self because my place has been gross. Hoping to do better. Here are the bright spots: 1. My friend Anna. When I told her about my incredibly irresponsible emotional response to something this week, she showed up for me. I am… Read more

  • Status report: Not exercising as much as I need due to extenuating circumstances, been upping my caffeine, not eating great. The happy thoughts of the previous week: 1. Getting a little bit of perspective. I have been so out of sorts lately that I forgot about other people. Hearing from others and making sure I… Read more