food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

What I‘m grateful for, week 41 of 52

1. Thoughtful friends that center their care around food. This week, I got a gift card for food, my friend’s signature dish sent over, and my favorite brownies sent over. In this pandemic, the Philippines really embraced care packages of food more than ever, and if anything, I’m grateful that we still get to show our affection this way. It’s still doesn’t compare to sharing a meal together, but it helps.

2. Supportive family members. I’ve been going insane readjusting to Philippine lockdown, and i’ve not been super helpful, but I’ve gotten so much support from the fam. It’s big because I know I’ve been spoiled with being able to escape and they haven’t. It’s a lot and I don’t know how they do it. But i appreciate it. Can I do it in the same amount? Probably not. But I’ll try and do better.

3. Being able to drive again. Driving mom to errands makes me feel a smidge helpful, but I’m also very limited timing wise because of my work schedule, but we work around it. Next time I head to the states, hopefully I get my international driving license, but for now, driving in my crazy hometown is good for me.

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