Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 15 of 52

Status report: 0 migraines, 2 hangovers. I love working in the day.

Here are these week’s life is short moments:

1. Two full slices of ice cream cake. First ice cream cake of 36 years, and finally after trying since 2020. Friends found a way and threw me a last minute party. Way too much food and cake, especially alcohol. It was epic. Birthday well spent a continent away.

2. Sweet, amazing coworkers that have become friends. I always say I should stop leaving my heart in San Francisco, but lately, I think Utah has kept it in its clutches with its mountain ranges and super sweet people. One week at a time — it’ll get easier.

3. Being not virtual for once. Me online is more random and talkative than I am in person. I just enjoy being around people listening to them converse. I may reach over and hug more often, just to check if they’re still here and not my mind playing tricks on me, generally, just breathing the same air, leaning on them is already fantastic.

Song of the week: Give a Little by Maggie Rogers


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