The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

April 2018

  • One thing about having bunnies, it’s really hard to find vets that actually treat them. 99.9% of vets in the Philippines deal with only dogs and cats. I’ve been fortunate to have found the .1% that are rabbit savvy, and Doc Ferdz is my favorite. Ever since he opened his Animal Wellness Center in Panay… Read more

  • In my 2007-2009 earphones always in my ears, blasting on top volume phase when I was still working in an office, you might have overheard me listening to this on the elevator. Back then, my IPOD nano was carefully curated with 800+ songs that I carefully picked out and edited on an almost daily cadence… Read more

  • To gratitude

    In my life, I have had a lot of things to be thankful for. Experiences that have made me who I am. People that have encouraged me to do better. Opportunities that have gotten me places I never thought possible. Recently I have had  to say thank you for a lot of things as well,… Read more

  • My planner has alerted me to the fact that Earth Day is coming up on Saturday, April 21. I’m not sure how accurate it is, and if there’s still an Earth Hour that’s to happen on the date, but I do think the earth has been on everyone’s radar in the past few years, with… Read more

  • I am a big fan of birthdays. I like the idea of celebrating because one exists, and for that one reason, it makes all the sense in the world. Maybe it’s because my family always does something for birthdays. We like to throw house parties, or go out for a nice lunch or dinner, or… Read more

  • Thought of the day

    “Truth will out.” Very simply, that in everything, the truth will always come out. I would like to think I’m honest to a point, and this three word sentence keeps me in line when I want to just hide in a lie. Because it always does. Even if it hurts, even if it’s destructive, the… Read more

  • Well, for one thing, lists. I like lists. They give me a semblance of organization, a purpose, and with my ten second memory, it’s a heck of a good way to track things that I may well soon forget. So now, let me tell you about the things that make me happy today: 1. People… Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    “I like to pretend I’m deep and mysterious. Truthfully, I’m not. I’m simple, and easy to please. But, you don’ fall for girls that won’t break your heart.” -Unknown We threw a party for two friends who came back to the Philippines the first time since they moved there and the conversation inevitably drifted to… Read more

  • To letting go.

    I keep forgetting what I want to put down on paper. These days it’s all about distractions. It all feels like one big mesh of things coming at me, all of which I’m not sure of. But it feels exciting. See, I am all about the planning. I like making sure things go the way… Read more

  • From a rosy pink outlook on the beginning of today, came the bleak news that a friend died. It wasn’t sudden, we knew she was sick, and we saw her last month before she went home to Bacolod to be amongst family after her stage 4 cancer needed really expensive, scary radiation treatment she didn’t… Read more