The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

June 2009

  • So, about last night…

    Yesterday I was a jerk. A full blown, who gives a crap, total jerk. I guess I was tired. Of being politically correct. Of making sure everyone had it great. Of putting up with things I really didn’t want to. I jerked it up. It was so out of character. For me, who usually wants… Read more

  • thought of the day:

    What’s done in the dark will always come to light. Especially when it’s dishonest. Yes, I’m talking about you. Read more

  • I am learning, that we all have to have thick hides to survive in this world. Too often, we the sheltered believe that people will treat us fairly, and will pat us on the back if things go badly. That may be true of 10% of the population, but for the rest, well… People are harsh,… Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    Why are we so afraid of the sky falling, when the rain feels so good on our skin? Read more

  • Coke smiles all around

    Finally, after six months of fail (see here), we finally got our coke smile shirts. After liters upon liters of the stuff. After coaxing all the eateries we frequent for bottlecaps. After getting my hyperacidity back after a couple of years, we finally got our coke shirts. We refused to buy the fake ones for… Read more

  • The short game

    Sometimes, I’m envious of people who have 5 year plans, long term goals. I am a person who lives for the moment. No plans for the future, I don’t even have a life path yet. Going where life takes me is basically what I do. I guess I’m a whole lotta Pinoy in that sense… Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    As big of a person as I am physically, I feel like I’m turning to vapor. Next week I think I’ll be gone. Read more