Jodythinks · Thanks

A night away from myself

Whether it was sheer boredom, or eerie curiousity that prompted me to go with Anna to her makeup class, it was definitely the girliest night I’ve spent in a LONG time.

See, she takes classes at the Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty at Podium. I’ve never been to a place quite like this. All I know of makeup is from watching my mom apply the stuff on herself, and that’s knowledge that can fill a thimble at best.

It’s quite an impressive sight. You just feel going in like it’s THE place to improve yourself. And even if my improvement came at the able hands of Ms. Angeles, I felt like I learned quite a bit. (Though I’m still at a loss on how to use this information)

It took an hour and a half to achieve this Bridal day look (That was what she deemed it) and I think it was worth every minute.

Thanks Anna for infinitely changing how I feel about makeup. 🙂
Now if i can only find someone to tame this matted nest I call my hair.

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