The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

June 2014

  • Do you remember growing up, and having your first crush? I do. It was awkward, and strange, and ultimately, when you see them as adults, you go “What the heck was I thinking?” But in the days, weeks, months, that you were 12, walking around school, you sneak glances at him, hoping that he noticed… Read more

  • I felt the magic

      It is no secret that I had a Disney childhood, most people my age did. When you don’t have the internet and a ton of choices in television and movies, people end up with shared experiences, and the same memories of culture references and ideas growing up. Disney was a major part of my… Read more

  •   I never take enough photos to properly document a trip, and this is one of the few photos I took of this past week’s company trip to Bacolod. The Ruins. A beautiful, beautiful place, with so-so food and awesome local beer. To travel is to live. And I felt like I definitely lived last… Read more

  •   Last week, I had the chance to work in this really pretty space. A few of my colleagues and I had training in Antipolo, and this is the venue they picked for it. I was, to be honest, in awe. The place was really designed well, and the space comfortable, and it being opening,… Read more