As I am still reeling in the news of Anthony Bourdain’s passing, I am again rereading his books. While we the fans mourn and try to find answers, I think we should just be happy of what he was able to share with the world, the happiness he gave us and how we were all able to experience just a bit of him with his writing, hosting, cooking, and all the other things he’s given to the world.

I guess what I’m trying to say is not to focus on how his life ended but how his life touched others. His works will not fade if we continue to explore, love, travel, and be kinder to others different from us. Already something good is coming about, from prominent personalities being more open about their struggles and giving it less of a stigma. Just being able to have that conversation and reminding ourselves that there’s always hope. That this permanent solution to a temporary problem isn’t really a solution.
So even if we may never find the answers we want because we are not privy to the inside, let’s be comforted in his words, his legacy, and live life a little kinder, not just to others but ourselves. I know I will try to be.