Okay, I admit it. I am a sap. I am an annoyingly saccharine creature when I’m happy. And today I am happy. I am letting all the other things fall away. Stress. Politics. Underhanded schemes and crazy news.
I am letting it go.
At this moment, I will lose myself in the dastardly delicious romantic music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. Notably, one of the songs that I think, defines romance for me. “All I Ask of You”. I cannot pretend to know the context as I have not watched, read, or listened to the whole soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera, so as far as I know, this could be a creepy, codependent ode to a creep that lives under a theater.
I don’t care.
The swell of those strings. The romantic beat of the drums as they usher in the lyrics. The simplicity of saying “Love me, that’s all I ask of you.” I know that will never happen. Nobody will just ever ask to just be loved. In fact, this song asks for a lot. Every waking moment, talk of summertime, being that person’s shelter.
I’d like to pretend that in this moment, that’s all that we need. Sing it with me.
Instead, grow with me.
If you teach me, I will sing it with you.
Touche. Will teach you! 🙂