The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain

April 2022

  • Status report: 1 migraine, way too much whiskey. My liver is certainly getting a workout from funner things here. This week’s Life is Short moments: 1. Finally meeting a teammate after a year. I am the biggest advocate for remote work as I’ve been working from home since 2010, but I do believe in bonding… Read more

  • Status report: 0 migraines, 2 hangovers. I love working in the day. Here are these week’s life is short moments: 1. Two full slices of ice cream cake. First ice cream cake of 36 years, and finally after trying since 2020. Friends found a way and threw me a last minute party. Way too much… Read more

  • Status report: 2 days of migraines — the least in a while. Less time to row though— I need to reconfigure how to do a decent alternative starting this week. 1. Cheester being extra clingy this past week. I got woken up several times by nips because of the hay situation being unsatisfactory, and he’s… Read more

  • Status report: 3 days of migraines, 2 of insomnia. Trying to stick to better habits, but still cooking my liver. 1. Clearing my head. My foray into semi anonymous humanity was a very intense learning experience. It made me learn a ton more about myself, (Tbh I’m getting really tired of all this self introspection,… Read more